How to create Windows 11 Bootable USB from Ubuntu / Linux

 How to write Windows 11 bootable usb from Ubuntu / Linux distros

While some suggest using Ventoy to create a Windows bootable USB, it often proves to be less user-friendly, especially for those using Linux distributions like Ubuntu 24.04. For a more straightforward and reliable method, I recommend using WoeUSB.

Let’s bypass the bureaucratic details and get straight to creating a Windows bootable USB from Ubuntu 22.04 or any other Linux distro.

1. Download the Windows 11 ISO

Visit the Microsoft download page to download the Windows 11 ISO file. The ISO file is approximately 6.8 GB in size.

2. Install required dependencies

You’ll need to install some dependencies to use WoeUSB. Open your Terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt install git p7zip-full python3-pip python3-wxgtk4.0 grub2-common grub-pc-bin ntfs-3g

3. Install WoeUSB-ng

3.0. Run the following command in your Terminal to install WoeUSB-ng:

sudo pip3 install WoeUSB-ng

3.1. After installation, find WoeUSB in your application launcher and open it.

3.2. In WoeUSB-ng, select your Windows 11 ISO file in the “Source” field.

In WoeUSB-ng, select your Windows 11 ISO file in the “Source” field.

3.3. Select your USB device and click on “Install”:

Select your USB device and click on “Install”:

3.4. In the confirmation window that appears, click “Yes” to proceed. 

In the confirmation window that appears, click “Yes” to proceed.

3.5. The process will take some time, so be patient.

Once the process is complete, safely remove your USB device. You can now use it to boot your computer.

3.6. Once the process is complete, safely remove your USB device. You can now use it to boot your computer.


To verify that everything is in order, check the contents of your USB device. It should contain the files necessary for a Windows installation.

Thank you for reading my tutorial. Please, do not hesitate to thank me for the tutorial if you feel this helped you in some way.

Fernando Paladini

A Anuência, conto de Fernando Paladini

Conto "A Anuência", escrito por Fernando Paladini e capa criada por Camila Marques e Silva.
Recentemente eu finalmente tive coragem de publicar um conto que já havia escrito há muito tempo: A Anuência. O conto, extremamente curto e com algumas características bem peculiares que lembram em muito Franz Kafka em "A Metamorfose", narra a história e os problemas existenciais de Kauan Ferreira Castro, um jovem escritor residente de Florianópolis (SC).

Sinopse do conto
Kauan Ferreira Castro, um jovem escritor residente em Florianópolis (SC), precisa terminar um livro em um prazo extremamente curto para colocar sua vida de volta nos eixos. Com a pressão da família e da sociedade, Kauan acaba entrando em um enigmático conflito consigo mesmo: o que ele deve fazer? Deve ceder à pressão de tudo e todos ou simplesmente ignorar? Afinal de contas, qual equino ele deve escolher?

O livro "A Anuência" está disponível para download na Amazon:

Veja também a página do "A Anuência" no Goodreads:

Espero que passe alguma mensagem para os leitores e, de preferência, a que tentei criar ao escrever este conto.

[TUTORIAL] How to easily convert Audible AAX files to MP3 on Linux

Easily convert Audible AAX files to MP3 on Linux:

If you bought audiobooks from Audible and use Linux in your daily live, you're probably in bad hands: besides Audible web player, there's no client that you can run using Ubuntu or a Linux distribution. In order to listen to your Audible stuff you can use this Web Player, but what if you don't have Internet access in the moment? In this case the best thing you can do is convert your AAX files to MP3 files, allowing you to listen to your Audible stuff using any media player at any given moment.

So you're looking for a way to convert your Audible AAX files (.aax) to MP3 files (.mp3) on Linux? There's two programs and some Python dependencies that can make it for you: Audible Activator and AAXtoMP3. The problem is that you don't have a integration between these two softwares and for those who don't have knowledge with scripts, programming or even basic Linux, using these two softwares can be little challenging.

With this people in my mind, I've made a little script that allows you to easily convert Audible .aax files to .mp3. Just download a single script, run it with the correct parameters and it's done!

You can take a look in aax2mp3-easy here. There you can find some instructions on how to download, install and use aax2mp3-easy too. If you have any problem, feel free to contact me in Github or even using the blog comments.

How to use Robomongo to connect to MongoDB server running in a Docker container inside AWS EC2

Using Robomongo to connect to MongoDB server running in a Docker container inside AWS EC2

Recently I've meet the awesome Rocket.Chat and for internal reasons I need to access its database using Robomongo, a cross-plataform MongoDB client. The problem is that Rocket.Chat was running in a Docker container, it's MongoDB database was running in another Docker container, all running inside an Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 instance.

I thought that would be very hard to connect to my MongoDB database using Robomongo, but it was actually quite easy. In the following steps you'll discover how to use Robomongo to connect to a MongoDB database running in a Docker container inside an AWS EC2 instance.

1º Step) Discover your EC2 instance public IP and make sure you can access it through SSH. You can find your instance public IP from your EC2 Management Console:

2º Step) Discover the IP from Docker container running your MongoDB server / database. In order to do that, login to your AWS EC2 instance through SSH and then run:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <YOUR_MONGODB_DOCKER_INSTANCE_NAME>
If you don't know your instance name, type "docker ps" and try to figure it out. In my case the instance name was "chat_db_1", so I run:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' chat_db_1
And it gives me:
[ec2-user@ chat]$ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' chat_db_1
From here we'll call this value by "MongoDB IP".

3º Step) Now that you have the public IP from your AWS EC2 instance and also the IP from the Docker container running MongoDB, open Robomongo and create a new connection filling the "Address" field with MongoDB IP and the "Port" field with 27017 (MongoDB default port):

Now go to the "SSH" tab and fill the fields with the following:

SSH Address: public IP from your AWS EC2 instance. Port 22.
SSH User Name: "ec2-user"
SSH Auth Method: select "Private Key".
Private Key: select the .pem file you use to access your EC2 instance through SSH.

Right now you should have the following:

4º Step) Done! Now you can visualize, edit and insert new data as you want.

If you have any questions or issues following this tutorial, let me know through the comments. Leave your comment if you liked it, too!

KairosDB + Python: alguns exemplos de código

Recentemente tenho trabalhado bastante com o KairosDB, um banco de dados para séries temporais (timeseries) que roda em cima de bancos de dados como H2, Cassandra e HBase.

Como temos utilizado bastante Python no laboratório em que trabalho (LISHA), resolvi criar um repositório no Github para mostrar alguns exemplos simples de código para consultar/inserir/deletar dados do KairosDB através do Python e do módulo "requests" (aquele famoso módulo do Python).

Criei um exemplo para cada endpoint da REST API do KairosDB, mas em geral os exemplos são bem simples (apenas para se saber como se faz, mesmo). Eu tive muitas dores de cabeça até aprender a fazer todas as requisições de forma correta, pois digamos que a API REST do KairosDB não é muito REST e também não é muito robusta.

De qualquer forma, para quem quer dar uma olhada nos exemplos de código para integrar Python + KairosDB, dê uma olhada no repositório:

Espero que possa ajudar alguém!
Fernando Paladini.

Bolsonaro Cristão - Site sobre o amor cristão espalhado por Bolsonaro

Recentemente finalizei o site "Bolsonaro Cristão", que criei junto com o Guilherme Eufrasio de Sousa Passos, estudante de Biologia na UFSC (enquanto que eu estudo Ciência da Computação, na mesma universidade).

O site é como um pequeno agregador de notícias acerca do deputado federal Jair Messias Bolsonaro, mostrando a hipocrisia do mesmo em se dizer cristão ao mesmo tempo que defende atrocidades que vai contra tudo que Jesus Cristo pregava.

O site foi feito em cima de um modelo open-source, responsivo e criado em HTML5, e atualmente está disponível em

Para acessar o site basta você ir em O que achou do site? Encontrou algum problema? Não gostou ou se sentiu ofendido? Não esqueça de deixar sua opinião nos comentários ;)

Por Fernando Paladini.

[Tutorial] How to fix slow performance on Fedora 22 (using Intel processors)

[Fernando Paladini] [Tutorial] How to fix slow performance on Fedora 22 (using Intel processors)

Are you having several performance issues after upgrade from Fedora 21 to Fedora 22? Do you have big delay when you start softwares like Firefox, Chrome and others? Are you experiencing system glitches and regular freezes?

If you had a notebook or desktop that runs on the top of Intel processors or GPUs and you're experiencing slow performance on Fedora 22, so this article can help you. If it doesn't work, check this question.

First of all, you need to remove all the following packages:

sudo dnf remove xorg-x11-drv-intel intel-gpu-tools libva-intel-driver
After that, just install the same packages again:

sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-intel intel-gpu-tools libva-intel-driver
This will probably solve all your problems with Intel and Intel drivers on Fedora 22. Hope it helps!

Based on my answer at Ask.FedoraProject.
Fernando Paladini.